
    name = "Demo Shop",
    blip = {enable = false, id = 52, color = 0, scale = 0.8},
    account = 'cash', -- 'cash', 'black_money', 'bank'
    --job check to open the shop
    jobs = {
        police = 0, --job name and minumum rank
        sheriff = 0

    --gang check to open the shop
    gangs = {
        ballas = 0, --job name and minumum rank
        sheriff = 0

    items = {
        --only buy
        {item = "bread", buyPrice = 10},
        --only sell
        {item = "bread", sellPrice = 20},
        --buy & sell
        {item = "bread", buyPrice = 10, sellPrice = 20},    
        --buy, sell & stock enabled
        {item = "bread", buyPrice = 10, sellPrice = 20, stock = 50}, 
        --buy, sell, stock enabled & hasSerial
        {item = "weapon_pistol", buyPrice = 0, stock = 50, hasSerial = true}, 
        --buy, sell, stock enabled, hasSerial & job check while purchasing
        {item = "weapon_stungun", buyPrice = 0, stock = 50, hasSerial = true, jobs = {police = 0, sheriff = 1}}, 
        --buy, sell, stock enabled, hasSerial & gang check while purchasing
        {item = "weapon_stungun", buyPrice = 0, stock = 50, hasSerial = true, gangs = {police = 0, sheriff = 1}}, 
        -- license config for esx_license
        {item = "weapon_pistol", buyPrice = 2500, license = {name = 'weapon'}},

        -- license config for ak47_idcardv2
        {item = "weapon_pistol", buyPrice = 2500, license = {name = 'weapon', label = "WEAPON LICENSE", class = 'Pistol'}},

        -- required items enabled. note: it will not remove required items. if you need that, use crafting
        {item = "weapon_pistol", buyPrice = 2500, requires = {water = 1, bread = 1}},
    zones = {
            coords = vector4(45.68, -1749.04, 29.61, 53.13), -- shop & ped position
            size = vector3(2.0, 2.0, 2.0), -- zone size
            coords = vector4(2747.71, 3472.85, 55.67, 255.08),
            size = vector3(2.0, 2.0, 2.0),
            coords = vector4(-421.83, 6136.13, 31.88, 228.2),
            size = vector3(2.0, 2.0, 2.0),
    target = {label = "Open Shop", icon = 'fa-shop', distance = 2.0},
    peds = { --if empty then there will be no ped. Only polyzone
    scenario = 'WORLD_HUMAN_COP_IDLES' -- if nil then ped will not play any scenario

Last updated