
Add dependencies:


Step 1:

  1. Download ak47_inventory from your keymaster.

  2. Add the script into your resources folder.

  3. start ak47_inventory in server.cfg after es_extended and make sure all other scripts are starting after the inventory script.

  4. Set discord webhook in ak47_inventory/webhooks.lua

Step 2:

Make the following changes in your es_extended


Config.CustomInventory = false
if GetResourceState("ox_inventory") ~= "missing" then
    Config.CustomInventory = false
Config.EnableDefaultInventory = false

Step 3:

Make the following changes in your es_extended/server/classes/player.lua

  • Add this code inside CreateExtendedPlayer function.

check the image below to confirm

function self.AddMethod(methodName, handler)
    self[methodName] = handler
  • Add this code after CreateExtendedPlayer function.

check the image below to confirm

function ESX.AddPlayerMethod(id, methodName, handler)
    if not ESX.Players[id] then return end
    ESX.Players[id].AddMethod(methodName, handler)

function ESX.SetMethod(key, value)
    ESX[key] = value


  • Don't upload the script with FileZilla, Use Winscp if you are using FTP for file uploading.

  • Renaming of the script is not allowed.

  • We do not support custom frameworks, highly modified versions of ESX, or deprecated/outdated versions of anything.

Last updated